Template tables (tables in Noetix schema ending with the word, ‘TEMPLATES’) are like an object oriented programming language class (the non-template tables are an intermediate step). The Noetix Views are the result of the Noetix View Administrator "instantiating" the template tables based on:
-Your Noetix Views purchased
-Your implementation of Oracle Applications
-Your version of Oracle Applications.
We will look at the view regeneration process as it pertains to the view label, 'INV_Items'.
In stage 4 of the regeneration process, we see the following activities being completed (sort contents of the Noetix Views install home folder by creation dates):
-ycrtmpl.sql creates the n_%_templates tables.
-dat%.log files show the data loaded into the template tables (including 'INV_Items')
-wnoetxu2.sql is invoked (modifications to template tables, n_%_templates)
Example text of what could be in an xu2 script for this view:
INSERT INTO n_view_table_template
('INV_Items' -- view_label
,1 -- query_position
,'CT' -- table_alias
,29 -- from_clause_position
,'APPS' -- application_label
,'%' -- product_version
,'N' -- base_table_flag
,'N' -- subquery_flag
,'N' -- gen_search_by_col_flag
,'FLINSTONEF' -- created_by
,SYSDATE -- creation_date
,'FLINSTONEF' -- last_updated_by
,SYSDATE) -- last_update_date
INSERT INTO n_view_where_templates
('INV_Items' -- view_label
,1 -- query_position
,405 -- where_clause_position
,'' -- profile_option
,'%' -- product_version
,'FLINSTONEF' -- created_by
,SYSDATE -- creation_date
,'FLINSTONEF' -- last_updated_by
,SYSDATE) -- last_update_date
INSERT INTO n_view_where_templates
('INV_Items' -- view_label
,1 -- query_position
,406 -- where_clause_position
,'AND CT.ELEMENT_NAME(+) = ''Coating''' -- where_clause
,'' -- profile_option
,'%' -- product_version
,'FLINSTONEF' -- created_by
,SYSDATE -- creation_date
,'FLINSTONEF' -- last_updated_by
,SYSDATE) -- last_update_date
INSERT INTO n_view_column_templates
('INV_Items' -- view_label
,1 -- query_position
,'Coating' -- column_label
,'CT' -- table_alias
,'ELEMENT_VALUE' -- column_expression
,100 -- column_position
,'COL' -- column_type
,'Coating --(XXACME Column)' -- description
,'N' -- group_by_flag
,'N' -- gen_search_by_col_flag
,'' -- profile_option
,'%' -- product_version
,'FLINSTONEF' -- created_by
,SYSDATE -- creation_date
,'FLINSTONEF' -- last_updated_by
,SYSDATE) -- last_update_date
-Noetix role prefixes are edited and query users are set-up:
..(more will be documented)
Knowing how this “instantiation” is done (sequence) is important in choosing which scripts to use.