Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Organization Refresh - Noetix View

Back in the olden days of the NoetixViews, one would need to run NoetixView regeneration to refresh the organizations that are identified in  `N_APPLICATION_ORG_MAPPINGS` which is used in many ways throughout the NoetixViews environment and is a key component of the the security construct.  In the 6.5 version of NoetixViews, the staff at Magnitude were prescient and added the "Refresh Org" feature.

What is it?

Simple script invocation which updates the `N_APPLICATION_ORG_MAPPINGS` table.

How does one do this?

Just review the notes in the NoetixView Administrator Guide (e.g. for 6.5.1, it is page 192 in the section, Running Organization Refresh Using Script.

-Open the Noetix Script home (install file where all the installation scripts reside)

-Start a SQL*Plus session

-Execute instorgr.sql

-As a check, one can perform a query of the `N_APPLICATION_ORG_MAPPINGS` table (before and after).