Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Regeneration of Noetix Views Using SQL*Plus Via Windows Command Line

Some time ago, I always used the Noetix View Administrator to perform all of my regenerations.  In the last year or so, I started running my regenerations using SQL*Plus in Microsoft command line.

Why? Is there anything to gain from this? Not really that I can tell.  The NVA is just a nice GUI tool that presents the spooled script output.  Of course, it has its own tool bar which can speed up things such as updating security and checking the last regeneration statistics.

I use SQL*Plus in Microsoft command line for a number of task such as object compilation (with VIM as my default text editor).  I love the ease, efficiency and extensibility of VIM as a text editor and so I find myself using SQL*Plus often.  I throw all my metadata queries in my default folder and I find a similar degree of efficiency that I would find with a GUI querying tool (but of course, my analysis of big, honking queries is sooooo much easier with a powerful text editor like VIM). 

The main value I see from this approach is that a layer of abstraction is removed and the Noetix Administrator is a little "closer" to the processes associated with the view regeneration. I suppose the difference between the NVA and using SQL*Plus in command mode is perhaps like the difference between driving a car with an automatic transmission vis a vis driving a car with a manual transmission.

Using this approach makes me more cognizant of the processes and scripts which are being invoked during the stages of regeneration.  This has some value.

Here are my brief notes for running only stage 4 of the Noetix Views regeneration process (from a regeneration in a development environment which I would advocate):

Navigate to script repository home:

C:\>cd "Program Files (x86)\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX_SYS_ERPPJ3"

Start sqlplus command line:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX_SYS_ERPPJ3>sqlplus 

Execute install4.sql

NOETIX_SYS@erppj3> @install4.sql
NoetixViews Installation Process (4)

Noetix Application                               - NoetixViews
"          Scripts Version                         -
"          Metadata Version                     -
Application Object Library User          - APPLSYS
Noetix SysAdmin User                        - NOETIX_SYS

Enter noetix sys password:
NOETIX_SYS@erppj3> Please enter the Oracle User Password for the Noetix SysAdmin User Enter Password:

Enter connect string:

NOETIX_SYS@erppj3> Please enter the Database Connect String for the Database default [ERPPJ3]: ERPPJ3
NOETIX_SYS@erpjp3> ******************************** Value Entered: ERPPJ3 

Enter tablespace for noetix sys database account:

Enter default language:

Identify views to be regenerated:

Edit prefix (tupdprfx.sql) files?

Regeneration preferences (help files and answer builder):

Confirm regeneration preferences:

Enter APPS password:

NOETIX_SYS@erppj3> Enter Password for APPS:

Project multicurrency option entered:

Success confirmation: