Tuesday, August 14, 2012

View Joins Associated with Shared Entity Views (e.g. INV_Items) Across Noetix Roles

The Noetix Generator appears to have been designed to not have views shared across Noetix roles.

An example of this is the shared entity view, INV_Items, which is shared with multiple Noetix roles, but does not join with views of another role in my Noetix Views 6.0.1 implementation.  Perhaps this is an undocumented bug.

One can see this lack of joins when I peruse the OE X0 role and select a column from the INVX0_Items view and yet see no joins with any of the OE X0 views:

I am not fond of this behavior and I like to leverage the content of this shared entity view across multiple views (one of the few good reasons to join views).

I probably should discuss this problem with Noetix support at some point.

Using a xu5 script, I do the following:

AND column_label = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
AND (view_label LIKE 'AR%'
OR view_label LIKE 'OE%'
OR view_label LIKE 'PO%')

This results in a plethora of view joins associated with this shared entity view that “failed” through the standard regeneration process across Noetix roles associated with the applications, AR, OE and PO.

Why did I do this with only the AR, OE and PO roles?

With my implementation, I have shared the INV_Items view with all instantiated roles associated with AR, OE and PO, so I do not see a security or generation “risk” in adding this modification to N_VIEW_COLUMNS. One can see that I have no shortage of join options now (and rightly so with a shared entity).